Sunday, March 8, 2020

Film Noir essays

Film Noir essays In this movie there is a lot more to this case than meets the eye, and when Vivian Rutledge summons Philip to find out exactly what he has been contracted to do, we sort of get the hint of the multi-dimensional story that is to evolve here. It turns out that the Sternwood sisters have secrets they need to keep. Carmen is involved in certain activities that have exposed her to blackmail, and Vivian has a little habit that has also exposed her to danger, which Philip Marlowe has to sort out. Add into the equation specialist book dealers who know nothing about books. Things never get dull around the Sternwood sisters. The point of the movie I think is based more on the relationships between Marlowe and all the multiple people he interacted with. There are various beautiful women among the cast that were just drawn to Marlowe. Such as Lauren Bacall as Vivian Rutledge who provides Marlowe's love-interest. The private eye is in a tough spot, falling for the beautiful dame with a secret she does not want to share. The relationship with Vivian is complex but candid. At times it is a little hard to see the affection between the two being real but it is the remarks between the two that makes it work. The scenes between them are great; there are a great number sexually electric, innuendo-filled exchanges in this film. The interconnection across the whole film is immaculate. Most of the women Marlowe comes across only play minor roles. There is Martha Vickers as Carmen Sternwood who seemed like she was always drugged or drunk when we saw her, she tries to jump into his lap while he's still standing. Carmen is beautiful but childish, every time she saw Marlowe she would flirt with him saying how cute he was. It seems like every female in the cast wants to get her hands on Marlowe, including a quick and easy Dorothy Malone, bored in her specs while clerking at a book store. She was so intrigued by Marlowe that its unexp ...